Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wisconsin 2012 part one

Ahhhh. . . . my happy place. 
You know that old exercise where they tell you to close your eyes and imagine your favorite place in the world? A place where you feel peace? A place where you feel like yourself? Well for me, this is the place. 

Sadly, Simon had to work and couldn't come with but we were on a mission. The kids and I hopped a 4 hour flight to Chicago, followed by a 7 hour drive up to the cabin. The travel was long, but boy was it worth it. 

The flight

The colors. There's just nothing like it. It is breathtaking.

A special weenie roast with the whole family down at "Bill's Pit."

Lucy, Henry, and I made this very special faerie tee pee while we were there. Lucy dragged the sticks out of the nearby woods and I carefully placed them. Lucy decided she was the "wooder" and I was the "puter." We spent a lot of time on this little house, but I think the faeries were pleased.

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