Here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to start where I am now.
I've got some nice stories to tell you from the past few months, but I'm going to start here and now.
And I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
And I bought my blog a pretty new dress to wear to jazz her up!
Easter was wonderful! Sharon and Terry came
to spread some Easter cheer!
Sharon, Lucy, and I went to the Pantages theater to see
"Beauty and the Beast" for Sharon's birthday.
Dyeing Easter eggs has always been a tradition at our house so I was surprised to find out that it is not a tradition in the UK- in fact Terry and Sharon had never done it before. So we boiled up some eggs and took our time coloring them just right. We felt generally pleased with ourselves and congratulated each other on our color choices and went inside and left them on the table to dry and cool. . . .
and the dog ate every. single. egg.
Oh, and also? I don't really want to go into details, but in a moment of Easter delirium, this happened:
We decided to head to Palm Desert. The allure of swimming pools, sunshine, fruity drinks, and barbecue by the golf course was too much to resist. Lucy has really started to be obsessed with love swimming, so we thought this would be be a perfect opportunity for her to swim her adorable face off.
Thanks for indulging my "flash back" to Easter.
We had so much fun!