Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Gotta Crow!

As a gift for my mom's birthday, Lucy and I decided to take her to see Cathy Rigby in Peter Pan.
This is the original musical with the singing, dancing, crowing, and "real" flying. My parents took me to see in in San Francisco when I was about 6 when Sandy Duncan was in it and I loved it. The soundtrack was a part of my youth and I can remember driving around in various cars singing "Uga wa! Uga wa! Uga wa! Uga wa! WAAAAAAA!" and if you haven't seen the show, you may think I have just fallen asleep on the keyboard, but those are actually the lyrics.

And can I just say Cathy Rigby is, like, SIXTY years old? Not that that's OLD, but it is amazing to see her getting whipped around on the cables and flying. . .she was terrific. Watch some here! I mean, they are seriously flinging that woman like a boomerang up there and she looks awesome!

Lucy was absolutely transfixed. She sat motionless on my lap during the whole show. She clapped her hands like crazy when Tinkerbell was dying. And when the house lights came up and the show was over, she BURST into years. She wailed, "Make it start again! Make it start again!" She has been either Wendy, Tinkerbelle, or some hodgepodge of the Lost Boys ever since. This girl has theater in her blood! Now where on EARTH would that come from???

Happy Birthday Mom! Thanks for exposing me to so much pixie dust in my childhood. You are magic!

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