Saturday, March 20, 2010


I got home on Thursday after being at my Parent Education classes at church, followed by a dentist appointment for Lucy. (Don't worry, it wasn't a cavity. . . just a molar growing in. PHEW!) I got Lucy and Henry out of the car and started walking toward the front door.

As I approached the house I thought to myself, "Hmmm. . . I don't remember opening that window!" It was then that I realized that the window was smashed in.

I knew immediately what had happened, and I knew immediately what had been taken: my computer, my video camera, my jewelry box.

And yes. They were gone.

I wish I could say that I had been a rock and held it all together for the kids sake, but sadly, I lost it. I cried.

I didn't cry for the jewelry, my Nana's pearl necklaces, my Nana's Star Sapphire ring that I got married wearing. ..

I cried for the memories.

2008 - 2010 video is gone.

Many of the photos have been saved by my brilliant husband who has been so careful about backing them up on a little silver hard drive. The hard drive was kept up above Simon's wardrobe and when I entered the house, it was on the floor. The thief obviously grabbed it, looked at it, and decided it wasn't valuable and threw it on the floor. But that hard drive, thanks to Simon, held ALMOST all of our still photos.

And then, yes, I did cry for the jewelry. Not for it's value, but for the memories: the opal necklace I bought in 8th grade in Australia, the little charm bracelet with the charms "l" and "h" for my kids that Heather bought me when Henry was born, the scarab bracelet my mom gave me, the gold "E" my grandparents gave me on the cruise to Alaska. . . countless pieces that don't add up to dollars to me, they add up to memories.

My plea to my friends and family is that you will back up all of your digital photos and video. You never know when it could disappear. It could just have easily have been a fire, or an accidental drop on the floor that would have rendered them useless. And if you keep your jewelry in an obvious place, maybe hide the valuable pieces that mean so much to you.

We are so sad and feel so violated. The police have been so kind and considerate and have fingerprinted our whole house, but we know our things are gone.

What a blessing though: our family is fine! Lucy and Henry had no idea this event took place!
We have a new computer now, that I'm typing on as we speak. We plan on getting a new video camera soon.

Going through this God has given us new eyes for the world. A new understanding of what is really important: your family's safety.

We are safe, and we are blessed.

And the security system is being installed on Tuesday.

Love you all,

The Hunts

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