The stoller overflows with ranunculus. . . it must be the South Pasadena farmer's market. Inspired by a 60 Minutes piece on organic foods, Lucy and I took the family truckster down to the farmers market to get some organic fruit and vegetables! We bought tomatoes, strawberries, garlic, mixed greens, and flowers. I felt oh-so-green. . .

Why eat just one strawberry. . .

. . . when you can have TWO?!

Dancing to the cool sounds of the accordian guy. .

And the thing that makes the South Pasadena farmer's market truly great? The bubble guy. Lucy chased bubbles with the other kids like an old pro.
We got home at about 7:00 and decided to have some "Num Num." I looked into my organic basket and plucked out a tomato. "What the heck," I thought and sliced half of it up for her. She ate it in about 20 seconds. I sliced up the second half. Gone. I sliced up another half tomato. Gone. So I sliced up the second half. Num! Num! The child ate 2 full sized tomatoes in one sitting. Yowza. I guess that justifies their $5.00 price tag.