Many wonderful things happened this Christmas, including Simon and I buying each other a new camera! These pictures are off of the other one. . . so there may be more Christmas to come! Christmas eve was Lucy's first time wearing tights. . . and the ruffles on the rear were too cute not to photograph!

Lucy's Nana sent a very special package from Wales. In it were chocolate coins that are a family tradition. Needless to say, the obsession was apparent from the moment she laid eyes on them. She even got to taste one. . .her first chocolate!

Daddy and Lucy at the Rose Parade. We walked down to the parade with our friends Sarah and Tony with their kids to see some floats! We didn't arrive until 9:30, so all the good seats had been taken by overzealous folks who spent the night. We didn't mind being wedged between the Travelodge and the tamale guy. The floats were amazing. . .but the reason we go? THE BANDS!
Happy New Year everyone!
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