Master carpenter Andy with Lu!

Bright lights!

Todd and Andy, all dolled up for a sketch.


Well, the gang from Over Your Head has left the building. I was really happy with how it all went. We have a great little laundry closet now, and had a unique experience being on tv.
It's a little tedious doing construction on tv because you can just do the project! You have to drill a screw, then cut, unscrew it, change the camera angle, and screw, then cut, unscrew it, change the camera angle, then rescrew the same dang screw. Honestly, there were moments when I wished I was just working on it with my dad and Simon because we could have done it a lot faster. . . but who would have done the catering then?
The host and master carpenter were really great guys, and the whole crew was wonderful. I think the only bad thing about it is the show doesn't air for a year or so! When I asked the producer how we would know that it was on, he said, "well, you'll just have to tune in and find out!" Uhhhh. . . . .seriously? He said that it wouldn't be on for about a year, so we'll let you know when we know!
Fun times!