I know. I know. I know. After much cheerful heckling from friends and family near and far, I am back on the blog! I could say I've just started a new job. I could say we're remodeling our office. Excuses, excuses. Ok. Sorry folks.
Lucy is growing. She is growing physically, as she is almost 19 pounds now. Her hair is so long, I have to put it up in a little rubber band, or one of the cute and colorful "scrunchies" her Nana Hunt sent over. She is growing developmentally. She plays peek a-boo, stands alone, "cruises" around the furniture, and dances whenever she hears a beat (even when it's just her dad beat boxing!) She is growing verbally. She says dada, mama, all done, and pants just like our old beagle Marcie whenever she sees a dog. She's so funny and such a delight. We are in love with her in every way.
1 comment:
Cutest babies on earth. Today the stroller...tomorrow the family car. Don't blink.
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